We all know what it feels like when you are late for an important meeting, nervous about an upcoming presentation, or worried about something else. That increased breathing rate, pounding heart, sweaty palms, and tensed muscles are all signs of stress. But, stress is a lot more than just the inability to deal with the pressure and feeling overwhelmed as a result. Stress can have far-ranging effects on both physical and mental health; these include increased blood pressure and sugar levels, weakened immune system, and increased risk of heart attack, and depression.
Since we cannot completely eliminate stressors from our lives, we all need to learn how to handle it effectively. There are several stress management strategies available out there – some have been suggested by mental health experts, whereas others are more traditional, passed down through generations.
One practice that’s approved by both science and tradition for its effectiveness in relieving stress is bathing. From ancient Rome to the Ottoman Empire to Japan, bathing has long been an important part of everyday life throughout history. Science is finally catching up with the benefits of bathing that these cultures have long believed in.
How a Bath Helps to Relieve Stress
Everyone who has experienced it can vouch for the relaxing effects of a hot bath. Soaking in warm water after a long, tiring day takes away all the stress from both your mind and body. But how?
A research study conducted by Neil Morris, a psychologist from the University of Wolverhampton, found that bathing not only improves mood but can also help reduce the feelings of pessimism significantly. Morris believed that the benefits of bathing have largely to do with the combination of quiet, isolation, and comfort it offers. However, Dr. John Harcup, the chairman of the Medical Advisory Committee for the British Spa Foundation, was of the opinion that the horizontal position of the body also has a huge impact on psychological health while bathing. He believed that the bathing position, i.e., lying horizontal and being surrounded by water, creates womb-like conditions, and we, subconsciously, find it highly comforting.
Several research studies have also shown that hot baths reduce stress and elevate mood by decreasing stress hormones and relaxing body muscles.
Dr. Bobby Buka, a New York-based dermatologist, says that our skin responds the same way to warm water by releasing endorphins. For those who do not know, endorphins are a group of endogenous hormones that help reduce pain and discomfort as well as stimulate feelings of pleasure and general well-being.[1]
A small study conducted in Japan showed that bathing induces hyperthermic action, which dilates blood vessels and leads to the increase of blood, oxygen, and nutrient supply. More than 80% of the participants reported relief from fatigue and feeling refreshed and relaxed after a warm water bath.
Enhance the Benefits of Bathing with Magnesium Bath Flakes
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could not only relax but also detoxify your body and replenish your magnesium levels just by taking regular baths?
It may sound too good to be true, but mineral baths have been used for detoxifying purposes since ancient times. Several modern research studies have also established the benefits of magnesium for overall health. These include its association with stress.
Studies have shown that magnesium plays an essential role in several brain functions, including mood regulation. Some research studies have also identified a link between low levels of magnesium with an increased risk of depression.
On the flip side, research has also shown that stress can make us lose significant amounts of magnesium.[2]
These factors, when coupled with the increasing amount of evidence regarding the effectiveness and safety of transdermal magnesium therapy[3], are enough to establish the benefits of magnesium salt baths.
How to Take a Magnesium Salt Bath?Simply add half to one cup of magnesium bath flakes in your bath. Make sure to use pure magnesium chloride flakes, such as Magnesium Bath Flakes by Amazing Oils, to gain maximum benefits.
The Final Word
In her novel The Bell Jar, the famous American poet and novelist Sylvia Plath wrote, “I am sure there are things that cannot be cured by a good bath, but I can’t think of one.”
It turns out that bathing is a lot more than just self-care, and the practice also has several scientifically proven benefits for both physical and mental health. Since stress has become an integral part of our daily lives and has been affecting our health in several ways, everyone should incorporate stress management practices into their daily lives. And what could be an easier way to release stress and anxiety and to calm yourself down after a hectic day than taking a bath?
Even if you’re unable to take a bath daily, try to experience the pleasure of bathing at least two to three times a week. Don’t forget to add magnesium bath flakes in water to maximize the benefits!
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